We help great companies simplify and take control of their IT

Overall Services and Benefits of Kubera Technologies

  • Strategic planning, consulting services, and IT management
  • Architecture, connectivity, and network security
  • Integration, administration, and infrastructure maintenance
  • Help Desk: installation, configuration, and maintenance of workstations.
  • Hardware and software purchasing or financing consulting services.
  • Proactive surveillance of your systems (Preventive Morning Surveillance)
  • GTI emergency tech support
  • Proactive and quick problem solving

  • Peace of mind at a fixed rate.

  • Daily technical assistance, onsite or remotely. High satisfaction rate: 98% of calls immediately answered; 2% of calls returned within 30 minutes.

  • Support for employees using your new tools.

  • Expertise of a full IT service: a team that is passionate about ongoing training and in tune with the latest technological developments.

Custom IT services and solutions built specifically for your business

How It Works


Please contact our team or complete the form below. A representative will contact you shortly.

  • Choose Your Plan

    If we’re the right fit, you’ll choose the IT service agreement that works best for your organization.

  • Let’s Talk

    We’ll chat about your business, how you use technology, and what you want to get out of IT.

  • Start Your IT Experience

    Within days, you’ll be experiencing IT like never before.


    Being back with Kubera Technology just gives me peace of mind knowing that my technology is functioning seamlessly behind the scenes without it interfering with and disrupting our day-to-day operations.

    Brooklyn, NY

    Very late in the day, I received a request from our director to setup Office 365 for our organization ASAP. We needed to start working on that by noon the next day and Kubera Technology was able to complete all the formalities and get on it the first thing in the morning.

    New York, NY